- Symposium languages are Turkish, Russian, and English.
- Abstracts should be sent to until September 25, 2023.
- The text of the paper is in Turkish, Russian and English.
- The abstract should be between 150-250 words.
- The full text of the paper should not have been presented in any symposium or congress before and should not have been published in any written source.
- The full text of the paper should be written on a digital platform and between 2000-3500 words (including a bibliography).
- The text of the paper and its bibliography should be prepared according to the "APA 6".
- Papers should be organized according to the symposium writing template. You can download the Paper Template from the links below. Papers not written according to the template will not be accepted.
- Symposium abstracts and papers will go through a blind review process.
- The full-text papers of the accepted abstracts will go through a blind review process.
- The abstracts and full texts of the papers presented at the symposium will be published as an online book.
- All publications are prepared electronically. Similarly, Abstract Acceptance Notification and Certificate of Participation will also be available electronically.
- The duration of the oral presentation of the paper should be planned as 15 minutes maximum, the presentation text should be prepared according to this time.
- If your abstract has been accepted, please submit the complete paper, along with its Plagiarism Report, Ethics Committee Declaration Form (if applicable), and Copyright Agreement Form (with a wet signature), to uaass.bildiri@gmail.com by November 15, 2023.
- The first authors hold the responsibility for copyright matters, and citations must be provided for any images or quotes used. Additionally, digital copies of images and illustrations should be submitted to uaass.bildiri@gmail.com in JPG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, along with the full text of the paper.
- Participation in symposium requires payment of presentation fees, whether attending in person or online.
Please follow the updates in the announcements section of the symposium web page.
Face to Face/Online The fee for the first paper presentation is 400 TL
The fee for an additional second paper presentation is 250 TL
Bank Account Information:
Account Name: Ardahan Üniversitesi Sağlık Kültür ve Spor Daire Başkanlığı
Bank Name: Halkbank
IBAN No: TR390001200967800006000024